Friday, August 13, 2021

Blog: Showers of Blessings

              The 112th Christian Believers Conference has now come and gone, but it is not forgotten. All those who attended over the 4 days on Zoom, felt the Lord’s blessings as one speaker after another encouraged us, strengthened our faith, and took us deep into texts of scripture and gave us snapshots of understanding that we had never realized or contemplated before.


   Many thanks to all those that served, knowing as we do, that you each were serving the Lord as well as the brotherhood around the globe.


   Many thanks to the crew behind the scenes who helped pull this together in our first venture in putting on a virtual conference, particularly our Br. Gus Vassilopoulos who encouraged us and demonstrated to us that doing all of the conference via Zoom was indeed possible, even when you are living in Greece at the time.


   We elicit your prayers on the CBC committee’s behalf as they are scheduled to meet at the end of September to start planning the 113th Christian Believers Conference, where hopefully, as many as can make it, will meet face to face at whatever venue and time that the Lord provides in 2022.   


Till then,


The Lord bless you, and keep you;

      The Lord cause His face to shine on you,
  And be gracious to you;

      The Lord lift up His face to you,
  And give you peace.’”

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

112th Annual Christian Believers Conference


112TH Annual 

Christian Believers Conference

                                          July 29 - August 1, 2021


                                          “Accepting God’s Call”


        “…and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He

also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.

Romans 8:30

Dear Brethren,

Last year the 112th Annual Christian Believers Conference was canceled due to the “Covid-19” pandemic.  We are pleased to announce that it has been scheduled virtually this year on Zoom.  To get the Zoom sign-in credentials, please go to to sign in.  For those without a computer or internet access, you can dial into the conference with your phone:

Number: +1 312 626 6799 US   Meeting id: 966 8067 5993   Passcode: 122237

Join Zoom Meeting:


Questions? Contact Conference Chairman Bo Shaw at cell# 760-977-6612

We trust you will receive a blessing from the program below.


Thursday, July 29 Note: ****All times are Eastern Daylight Savings (EDT)******


12:30pm  Welcome:  Bo Shaw, Mesa, AZ

12:45pm  Sermon: “Perseverance and Endurance”    Henry Gmiterek, Valparaiso, IN


 3:00pm    Interest Group: Selected Lessons from Jesus and the Apostle Paul,

               .                                 Todd Alexander, Columbus, OH


Friday, July 30


10:30am    Devotions and Praise

10:45am   Theme Sermon: “Accepting the Call”    Dennis Gorham, Somersworth, NH

12:30pm   Interest Group: Origins of the Bible   Jeff Hausmann, Detroit, MI


            3:30pm     Sermon: “Follow Me For My Sake” (Matt. 4:18-20)   

                                                                      Peter Webb, Gluehill, England

4:15pm     Fellowship

4:30pm     Sermon:The Abrahamic Promise”   David Rice, San Diego, CA


Saturday, July 31


            10:30am   Devotions and Praise

            10:45am   Sermon: If He can do it for me, He can do it for you”   John Haselden, 

                                                                                                                     Billinge, England

             12:15pm   Sermonalysis: “Heaven: Things We Know, and 

                                                            Things We Might Know”

                                                      Jeff Hausmann, Detroit, MI


              2:00pm   Interest Group: “The Fair Havens”   David Rice, San Diego, CA

              4:00pm   Fellowship

              4:30pm   Sermon: “Be Ye Transformed”   Todd Alexander, Columbus, OH


            Sunday, August 1


           10:30am   Devotions and Praise

           10:45am   Sermon: “Called, Chosen & Faithful”     Bruce Blake, Somersworth, NH               

           11:45am   Closing Comments & Prayer Bo Shaw, Mesa, AZ    


Monday, May 10, 2021

Virtual Conference

 The 112th annual Christian Believers Conference will this year be held virtually. While Gordon College was willing to host us for 2021 and many brethren were anxious to move on from the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, yet, many were still hesitant to fly or gather together in big groups for fellowship and worship.

So, the committee has decided to hold the conference via ZOOM for 2021. With this venue we will be able to host sermons and interest groups through out the last week of July  -  Thursday, July 29 through Sunday, August 1, 2021. See the speaker section for who will be serving this year.

The Theme of the 2021 Conference is to be “Accepting God’s Call”, based on Romans 8:30 

 “And these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.”

We will be posting a schedule of activities on this site in the next few weeks and look forward to seeing as many of you that can join us. We will also be sending out a schedule of events by mail to make sure that we have reached all those in the Bible Student Movement.

We ask for your continued prayers as we work to bring this all together by God's grace. 

The Corresponding Secretary for the conference, Br Dennis Gorham, can be reached by email using the form provided.

in Christ

Br. Dennis Gorham

Saturday, April 17, 2021

CBC 2020 Cancelled

The 112th annual Christian Believers Conference was cancelled this year due to the Covid pandemic. It was originally scheduled for  Wednesday, July 29 through Sunday, August 2, 2020.

The Theme of the 2020 Conference was to be “Accepting God’s Call”, based on Romans 8:30 — “And these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.”

We can take comfort that the Heavenly Father includes this world-wide crisis as part of the “all things” which he supervises and causes to work together for God for all those who have been given the gift of faith.

Please use your opportunities of meeting with brethren via social media and video conferencing sites — and enjoy the times of study and meditation that are available to you as well.

We hope and pray that the conference will be an option for all of us next year, in 2021. Dates will be announced as they become available.

The Corresponding Secretary for the conference, Br Dennis Gorham, can be reached by email using the form provided.